ISSN 1728-7642

Daoism Studies ›› 2019, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (2): 64-75.

• HEAVEN COLUMN:A STUDY OF DAOIST THOUGHT • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Control Hun and Change Po:An Analysis of Hun and Po in Daoist Texts

Gao Deng   

  • Received:2019-08-10 Revised:2019-11-14 Published:2021-08-19
  • Contact: Gao Deng, Master Degree Candidate, Hua Qiao University, School of Philosophy and Social Development, Address: Jimei Road 668, Hua Qiao University, Xiamen, Fujian; Postcode:361021; Email: 1078907783@qq.com.

Abstract: The idea of hun(魂)and po(魄)in Taoism inherited from the pre-Qin Dynasty, reflecting Daoism's exploration of life. By understanding hun and po, the Daoists master the methods of controlling life and death, preserving the body and spirit to prolong life. Besides, the ideology such as Yin and Yang, the five parties and the five emperors are incorporated into the concept of hun and po, formed a rich thought. This paper explores the formation and symbolic significance of the Taoist hun-po view through the miscellaneous sources and texts of Daoism, and discuss the concept and ideological connotations of hun and po in the perspective of the body and spirit.

Key words: Hun po, Hun po in Daoism, Daoist view of life, Body and spirit