ISSN 1728-7642

Daoism Studies ›› 2019, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (1): 25-39.

• HEAVEN COLUMN:DAOISM AND FOLK BELIEF • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Mazu Scriptures and Rituals under the Influence of Daoism

Huang Jianxing, Hai Xiang   

  • Received:2019-04-25 Revised:2019-06-09 Online:2019-06-10 Published:2021-08-18
  • About author:Huang Jianxing, PhD & Associate Professor, Fujian Normal University, College of Social Development; Research Directions: Daoism and Folk Beliefs; Address: Room 208, Lingxian Building, Qishan Campus, Fujian Normal University, Minhou, Fuzhou, Fujian; Postcode: 350117; Email: huangjianxing079@163.com.
    Hai Xiang, Master Degree Candidate, Fujian Normal University, College of Social Development; Address: Room 208, Lingxian Building, Qishan Campus, Fujian Normal University, Minhou, Fuzhou, Fujian; Postcode: 350117; Email: 545299136@qq.com.

Abstract: The Mazu belief is closely related to Daoism. Under the influence of Daoism, the Ming and Qing dynasties produced lots of Mazu scriptures and rituals. The scriptures are mainly recited in rituals, which not only helps to promote the Mazu belief and Daoism, but also has the function of building up the morality. The rituals under the influence of different schools of Daoism have different content and characteristics. The Mazu rituals influenced by the Zhengyi Daoism have the similar structure with Daoist rituals, while the ones influenced by the Lvshan Daoism present shamanic and dramatic characteristics.

Key words: Mazu, Scriptures, Zhengyi Daoism, Lvshan Daoism