ISSN 1728-7642

道学研究 ›› 2022, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (2): 23-34.

• 天部:道德經研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2022-12-10 发布日期:2022-12-27
  • 作者简介:**吳梓嘉,現為大连理工大學本科生。通訊地址:辽寧省大连市甘井子区大连理工大学,郵縮:116033;電子信箱: nakale910@163.com。
  • 基金资助:

“Confusion and Breaking: Anti-involution Thought in Tao Te Ching

Wu Zijia   

  • Online:2022-12-10 Published:2022-12-27
  • About author:Wuzijia, undergraduate, Dalian University of Technology, Department of Philosophy; Address:Dalian University of Technology, Ganjingzi District, Dalian, Liaoning Province, China; Postcode: 116033; Email:nakale910@163.com.

摘要: “內棬” 是當今青年人面臨的一大難題,其脫胎於人類學學術研究,本指因外部發展停滞而內部不斷精細化的發展狀態,目前在社會大眾的視閾下發展成為無意義競爭和資源內耗的惡性循環的代名詞。而關於內棬的成因根據不同學者的描述有多個觀點,歸結起來包括外部資源和內部欲求兩方面,但都未將反內棬抽象上异到社會終極關懷層面而僅僅停留在具體化、偶然化的單一事件分析。而在《道德經》中老子早已意識到了內棬問題的存在,他認為人對於名利權力和世俗知識的無限欲求勢必造成混亂與爭奪,這是不符合道之本性的,相對應地,他提出道法自然的思想,“自然” 作為道這一本體的終極關懷,鼓勵人類社會各個生存個體之間的自然和諧,從價值觀和方法論兩方面構建起反內棬思想的基礎。通過對這一思想资源的挖掘可梳理得出《道德經》中關於內棬形成的機理,並由此提煉出清心寡欲、专一守已、开辟藍海等破解內棬之局的智慧之方。

关键词: 《道德經》, 內棬, 終極關懷, 道法自然, 人文自然

Abstract: "Involution" has become a severe problem faced by young generation today. Being born out of the academic research of anthropology,it refers to the development state of internal refinement due to the stagnation of external development. At present, it has become synonymous with the vicious circle of meaningless competition and internal consumption of resources in the eyes of the public. According to different scholars' descriptions, there are many opinions about the causes of involution, which can be summed up in two aspects: external resources and internal desires. However, none of them raised the anti-involution abstractly to the ultimate concern level of society, but only stayed in the specific and accidental single event analysis. In Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu has long been aware of the problem of involution. He believes that people's infinite desire for fame, wealth, power and worldly knowledge will inevitably lead to confusion and competition, which is not in line with the nature of Tao. Correspondingly, he puts forward the idea of Tao's law of nature. As the ultimate concern of Tao, "nature" encourages the natural harmony among all living individuals in human socicty, and builds the foundation of anti-involution thought from two aspects of values and methodology. Through the excavation of this ideological resource, we can sort out the mechanism of the formation of inner volume in Tao Te Ching, and from this, we can extract the wise ways to crack the inner volumc, such as keeping one's mind pure and lustful, keeping one's own self-discipline, and opening up the blue ocean.

Key words: Tao Te Ching, Involution, ultimate concern, Daofaziran (道法自然), Renwenziran (人文自然)