ISSN 1728-7642

道学研究 ›› 2019, Vol. 34 ›› Issue (2): 1-21.

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蓋建民, 劉雪濤*   

  • 收稿日期:2019-08-10 修回日期:2019-11-14 发布日期:2021-08-19
  • 通讯作者: *劉雪濤:四川大學道教與宗教文化研究所博士研究生,研究方向:中國道教。通訊地址:四川省成都市武侯區一環路南一段24號四川大學文科樓,郵編: 610064;劉雪濤電子郵箱: 853193166@qq.com。
  • 作者简介:蓋建民:四川大學道教與宗教文化研究所教授,博士生導師,研究方向:中國道教;蓋建民電子郵箱:Gjm1964@126.com.

A Fieldwork Report for the Present Situation of Folk Beliefs in Danlu Hamlet, Nandan County, Guangxi

Gai Jianmin, Liu Xuetao   

  • Received:2019-08-10 Revised:2019-11-14 Published:2021-08-19
  • Contact: Liu Xuetao, PhD Candidate, Sichuan University, Institute of Taoism and Religious Culture; Research Directions: Chinese Taoism; Address: Institute of Taoism and Religious Culture, Sichuan University, No.24, South Section 1, Yihuan Road, Wuhou District, Chengdu; Postcode: 610064;Email: 853193166@qq.com.
  • About author:Gai Jianmin, Professor & Doctoral Supervisor, Sichuan University, Institute of Taoism and Religions; Research Directions: Chinese Taoism; Address: Liberal Arts Building, Sichuan University, No.24, South Section 1, Yihuan Road, Wuhou District, Chengdu; Postcode: 610064; Email: Gjm1964@126.com.

摘要: 廣西壯族自治區河池市南丹縣吾隘鎮昌里村丹爐屯,地處紅水河流域壯族聚居區,壯文化氛圍濃厚。歷史上丹爐屯因明代萬曆年間那地州第十一任土司羅謙端於丹爐山修道煉丹而興,受道教文化影響很大,因此可以說丹爐屯是道教文化、土司文化以及紅水河流域壯族民間文化相互交融的多元文化寶庫。通過2019年5月下旬對丹爐山和丹爐屯的田野調查,我們發現螞蛎崇拜、社王崇拜、祖先崇拜、土地信仰以及村中.進行法事活動的麼公共同構成了丹爐屯村民的信仰世界:螞蜴節中滲透著具有丹爐屯特色的土司文化和社王崇拜的影響;丹爐屯的社王崇拜則是壯族村寨-般的社王崇拜與南丹特色隕石文化的結合;屯中村民家家户户供奉的“天地君親師”祖宗牌位,彰顯著以道教文化為代表的外來文化在當地潛移默化的影響;在屯內麼公的經書與儀式傳統中,由於多種文化因素的影響呈現出獨特的“麼 師合一的現象。

关键词: 廣西丹爐屯, 民間信仰, 螞蜴崇拜, 社王, 麼公

Abstract: Danlu hamlet, located at Changli village, Wuai town, Nandan county, Hechi city, Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, along with the compact communities of Zhuang people with the Red River around. Danlu hamlet can be regarded as a summation combined cultures of Tao, Tusi, and Zhuang. It raised with the elixir practices in Danlu mountain of Luo Qianduan the 11th Tusi of Nadi among the Wan Li period in the Ming dynasty and influenced by Taoism significantly. Through the fieldwork for Danlu mountain and Danlu hamlet in late May 2019, we found the worships of Ma Guai (螞), the lord of the earth, ancestor, earth god, and ritual activities performed by Mo Gong (麼公) constitute the world of faith in Danlu hamlet: the Ma Guai Festival(螞节)influenced by the worship of Tusi, and the lord of the earth, which is the combination of common worship of the lord of the earth and aerolite culture in Nandan. The memorial tablets of the "heaven, earth, lord, ancestor, and master", which are worshiped by the families of Danlu, highlight the influence of the foreign culture represented by Taoism in the hamlet; and in the ancestral scriptures and ritual traditions of the ancestors, it is manifested by the influence of various cultural factors as the unique phenomenon of "mo shi he yi " (麼師合一).

Key words: Danlu hamlet, Folk beliefs, Ma Guai worship, The lord of the earth, Mo Gong