ISSN 1728-7642

道学研究 ›› 2020, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (1): 72-87.

• 地部:道門思想研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2020-06-10 发布日期:2021-08-19
  • 通讯作者: *鄭天熙,男,文學博士,华南師範大學文學博士後,特聘副研究員。研究方向︰中國古代文論與思想文化。聯繫方式:廣東省廣州市番禺華南师範大學教工三棟908,電話:18198356060,郵編:510000,郵箱:519907156@qq.com.
  • 基金资助:

On the "Heresy" View in Linxiyi's "Sanzi"——Hermeneutics Perspective

Zheng Tianxi   

  • Online:2020-06-10 Published:2021-08-19
  • About author:Zheng Tianxi, Male, Doctor of literature, post doctor of Literature of South China Normal University, special associate researcher, Research Direction: Chinese ancient literary theory and thought culture. Address: Panyu County South China Normal University, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, 908, Tel: 18198356060, zip code: 510000, Email: 519907156@qq.com.

摘要: 南宋理學家林希逸(1193—1271年)公開注解《老子》《莊子》《列子》(合稱《三子》)等異端之書,對三教的會通達到可譄前所未有的尺度。伽建默篱强调的“前理解”對探究林希逸《三子》的“異端”觀十分有效。他提出理學家因急“儒學正統”的“前理解”而誤解《三子》,但他自己也有“三教不翼”的“前理解”,並以此對《三子》異端進行“正名”。主要開釋策略有︰對於《三子》文本中出現的奥儒家相同的字e,提出“字羲舆《语》《孟》巽”﹔對《三子》中存在的大量奭酶儒家辈人的文本事赛,指出《三子》“過當”的行文特點並要求“具眼”識其“真意”;對理孳家常常禨斥的《三子》(包括佛教)不瞀下學、遗窠世事等,從文本中找出具體證掾,證明《三子》(包括佛教)跟儒家一樣,是道器不二之學。至於《三子》寰在不能舆儒家會通處,林希逸則表示,要體其如此遣般言就之用意。通過林希逸可以進一步瞭解南宋時期儒道釋三家思想在胃争中走向融合的總體趨勢。

关键词: 希逸, 《三子》, 異端, “前理解”, 三教融合

Abstract: The Southern Song Dynasty scholar Lin Xiyi(1193 -- 1271) publicly commented on the books of heresy such as Laozi, Zhuangzi, and Liezi(collectively referred to as the sanzi), and the opening of the three religions reached an unprecedented scale..The "pre-understanding" emphasized by Qiedamoer is very effective in exploring the "heresy" view of Linxiyi's sanzi. He proposed that the science scientist misunderstood the sanzi because of the "pre-understanding" of the "Confucian orthodoxy," but he himself also had a "pre-understanding" of the "three religions" and used it as a "positive name" for the sanzi heresy. The main interpretation strategies include: For the same words that appear in the text of the sanzi and the Confucianism, the "meaning of the word and the difference in the language" are proposed, and the interpretation strategy of the sanzi is understood in the sanzi; The text facts of the Confucian saints in the sanzi are widely used, and the writing characteristics of the "excessive" of the sanzi are pointed out and the "eyes" are required to know their "true meaning"; For the sanzi (including Buddhism), which is often criticized by the scientists, they do not study and abandon the world. They find specific evidence from the text to prove that the sanzi (including Buddhism) is the same as Confucianism. As for the sanzi can not really communicate with the Confucianism, Lin Xiyi said that it is necessary to understand the meaning of such words. Through Lin Xiyi, we can further understand the overall trend of the three thoughts of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism in the Southern Song Dynasty.

Key words: Lin Xiyi, Sanzi, Heresies, "Before understanding", Three religions integration