ISSN 1728-7642

道学研究 ›› 2019, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (1): 59-77.

• 地部:道教史研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 收稿日期:2018-12-20 修回日期:2019-06-14 发布日期:2021-08-18
  • 通讯作者: *陳錦平,鹽城市市場監督管理局公務員,大學學歷,研究方向:道教文獻,通訊地址:江蘇鹽城市鹽馬路246號鹽城質監局,郵編: 224006; 電子郵箱: 691434298@qq.com。

An Analysis of the Time Sequence of Several Alchemical Scriptures Based on the Time Axis of Xing Ming Gui Zhi

Chen Jinping   

  • Received:2018-12-20 Revised:2019-06-14 Published:2021-08-18
  • About author:Chen Jinping, College Graduate, Market Supervision Administration of Yancheng Municipality; Research Directions: Daoist Literature; Address: Market Supervision Administration of Yancheng Municipality, No. 246, Yanma Road, Yancheng, Jiangsu; Postcode: 224006; Email: 691434298@qq.com.

摘要: 本文以《性命圭旨》爲歷史時間軸絏,討論明清幾部丹經的先後。通過內在的文字對比,本文認爲《性命圭旨》要早於《丹經秘訣》《尹員人東華正脉皇極闔闢證道仙經》《尹員人寥陽殿問答編》《微言摘要》《五品經》等著述,而《丹經秘訣》出現相對較晚。

关键词: 《性命圭旨》, 基準, 文字對比, 丹經

Abstract: Based on the time axis of Xing Ming Gui Zhi, This paper discusses the time sequence of several alchemical scriptures in the Ming and Qing dynasties. Through detailed textual comparisons, the author comes to the conclusion that Xing Ming Gui Zhi appeared earlier than works such as Dan Jing Mi Jue, Yin Zhenren Donghua Zhengmai Huangji Hepi Zhengdao Xianjing, Yin Zhenren Liaoyang Dian Wenda Bian, Wei Yan Zhai Yao, Wu Pin Jing, whereas Dan Jing Mi Jue appeared relatively late.

Key words: Dan Jing Mi Jue, Time Axis, Textual Comparisons, Alchemical Scriptures