ISSN 1728-7642

道学研究 ›› 2021, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (1): 28-38.

• 天部:道教文獻研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2021-06-10 发布日期:2021-08-23
  • 通讯作者: * 亓尹,四川大學道教與宗教文化研究所宗教學在讀博士研究生,研究方向:中國道教。通訊地址:四川省成都市一環路南一段24號四川大學文科樓道教與宗教文化研究所,郵編: 610064; 電子信箱: qiyin2014@foxmail.com。

A Survey on the Composition and the Contents of Master Incompetent

Qi Yin   

  • Online:2021-06-10 Published:2021-08-23
  • About author:Qi Yin,PhD, Sichuan University, Institute of Taoism and Religious Culture; Research Direction: Chinese Daoism; Address: Institute of Taoism and Religious Culture, Sichuan University, No. 24, South Section 1, Yihuan Road, Wuhou District, Chengdu, Sichuan, China; Postcode: 610064; Email: qiyin2014@foxmail.com.

摘要: 《無能子》是唐代無名氏的哲學著作,歷代經籍志均將其歸為道家。其哲學思想核心歸於明自然之理,極性命之端。書中內容則略禮教而外世務,多談自然無作,性命無欲。其中的宇宙生成論自成一格,影響並形成了無能子獨特的社會政治思想與修身應世思想。本文以《無能子》一書的宇宙生成論為中心,通過與其他“炁 (氣) 生萬物論”的比較,簡要討論了其“任自然”的宇宙生成論的特質與內涵。此外,本文對《無能子》的篇目問題也做了一番討論。

关键词: 《無能子》, 宇宙生成論, 炁(氣)生萬物, 任自然

Abstract: Master Incompetent (Wuneng Zi 無能子) is a philosophical work written by anonymous author during the Tang dynasty, and has been categorized as a Daoist work by various Literature and Art Records. Its core of this philosophical thought is the reasoning of nature and the end of life. The content of the book is slightly ritualistic and religious, but outside worldly affairs, and talks a lot about the absence of nature and the absence of desire for life. The book's theory of cosmogenesis is a distinctive style of its own, influencing and shaping Master Incompetent's unique socio-political and worldly thinking. This article focuses on the cosmogenesis theory of the book Master Incompetent, and briefly discusses the qualities and connotations of its theory of cosmogenesis of “letting nature take its course” by comparing it to other theories of “air (qi) generating everything”. In addition, this article also discusses the number of chapters of Master Incompetent.

Key words: Master Incompetent, Cosmogenesis theory, Air (qi) generating everything, Letting nature take its course