ISSN 1728-7642

道学研究 ›› 2020, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (1): 112-136.

• 地部:老子研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


詹石窗, 顧宗正   

  • 出版日期:2020-06-10 发布日期:2021-08-19
  • 作者简介:詹石窗,四川大學道教舆宗教文化研究所教授,博士生導師。研究方向︰道教文化。通訊地址∶四川省成都市武侯區一環路南一段24號四川大學文科樓,郵編︰610064。電子信箱: zhansc@263.net;顧宗正,國家社科兽基金特别委託重大项目“百年道教研究舆創新工程”亳州行動小组组長,亳州市譙城區老子研究會秘書長。
  • 基金资助:

A Study on the Evolution of Luyi County and Its “Taiqing Palace”

Zhan Shichuang, Gu Zongzheng   

  • Online:2020-06-10 Published:2021-08-19
  • About author:Zhan Shichuang, Distinguished Professor & Dean of Laozi Research College & Doctoral Supervisor, Sichuan University, Institute of Taoism and Religions; Research Direction: Taoist Culture; Address: Liberal Arts Building, Sichuan University, No.24, South Section 1, Yihuan Road, Wuhou District, Chengdu, Sichuan, China; Postcode: 610064; Email: zhansc@263.net;Gu Zongzheng, Leader, Bo County Team, “Hundred Years Taoist Research and Innovation Project“ Specially Entrusted by the National Social Science Foundation; Secretary General, Laozi Research Association, Qiaocheng District, Bo County.

摘要: 老子縣級所在地和出生地問题,自明代以来出現了不同說法。根掾文獻記戰,滈河南岸的今鹿邑縣城和其城東十里、位於滑河南岸的現有“太清宫”被作為“老子故里”,這種說法始於明清之陳,迄今已存在数百年,雖係约定俗成,非原初面貌。究其根源不是今人造假,而是元明時期行政區割變更後逐步衍生發展出来的“老子故里”標志。

关键词: 渦河南岸, 廣鄉城東, 鹿邑縣城, 太清宫, 老子出生地

Abstract: There have been different opinions on the domicile place and birthplace of Laozi since the Ming Dynasty. According to literature records, the present Luyi County on the south bank of Guo River and the “Taiqing Palace“ which is ten miles to the east of Luyi County, have been regarded as the “Hometown of Laozi“ for hundreds of years, which are conventional though, neither of them reflects the truth. In analyzing the phenomenon, that is not a deliberately false, but an evolutive symbol of “hometown of Laozi” in the change of administrative divisions during the Yuan and Ming dynasties.

Key words: The South Bank of the Guo River, The east of the Guangxiang city, Luyi County, The birthplace of Laozi in Taiqing Palace