ISSN 1728-7642

道学研究 ›› 2020, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (1): 46-57.

• 天部:道教文本考 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2020-06-10 发布日期:2021-08-19
  • 通讯作者: *東南大學歷史系觀师,研究舆趣:明清思想史、道教史,通訊地址︰江蘇南京江寧區東南大學路東南大學九龍湖校區文科楼A棟A205室,東南大學人文學院歷史系(郵編: 211189),電子郵箱: hyr16@hotmail.com。

A Study of Ming Edition Jinling Xuanguanzhi

He Yanran   

  • Online:2020-06-10 Published:2021-08-19
  • About author:He Yanran, Assistant Professor, Southeast University (Nanjing); Research Directions : Local History of Late Imperial China, History of Daoism; Address: A405 Wenkelou, Jiulonghu campus, Southeast University Road, Jiangning District, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China; Postcode: 211189; Email: hyr16@hotmail.com

摘要: 《金陵玄觀志》是明代萬曆年問禮部祠祭司郎中葛寅亮編撰的南京道教宫觀志,是記錄南京道教歷史和明代南京道觀狀沉的重要資料,對研究南京城市道教史意羲重大。受到南京佛盛道衰的城市宗教傳統影響,《金陵玄觀志》一直不及葛寅亮所輯的南京佛寺志《金陵梵剎志》受重視,傳世和重刊的版本極少。但是這些僅有的版本勾勒了晚明以来江南文士對地方道教舆趣的變罚,也反映了江浙地區藏書家之問的交流,對瞭解晚明以来江南城市道教發展或將有所助益。

关键词: 《金陵玄觀志》, 葛寅亮, 明代道教

Abstract: “Jinling Xuanguanzhi” is the gazetteer of Daoist Temples of Nanjing composed by Ge Yinliang, an official in the Ritual department during the wanly era. This material is of great significance for studying the local Taoist history since it recorded almost all aspects of the Daoist temples in Nanjing of the Ming dynasty. However, “Jinling Xuanguanzhi” has long been ignored compared to Ge Yinliang's another gazetteer of Nanjing Buddhist temples “Jinling Fanchazhi”, which was popular and reprinted frequently. The limitation of the reserved versions of “Jinling Xuanguanzhi” is partially due to the strong Buddhist tradition in Nanjing, and somehow reflected the attitude toward Taoism of the literati and book collectors mainly in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. Study of the editions of “Jinling Xuanguanzhi” thus would have a certain inspiration for understanding the development of urban Daoism of the late imperial period.

Key words: “Jinling Xuanguanzhi”, Ge Yinliang, Taoism in Ming Dynasty