ISSN 1728-7642

道学研究 ›› 2020, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (2): 1-24.

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[日]松本浩一著, 劉雄峰譯**   

  • 出版日期:2020-12-10 发布日期:2021-08-19
  • 通讯作者: **著者:松本浩一,日本筑波大學圖書館情報媒體系名譽教授,主要從事宋代的道教與民俗宗教、壼灣民俗宗教的研究工作。譯者:劉雄峰,四川省社會科學院宗教翻譯與研究中心主任、教授。

Thunder Spell(Lei Fa) in the Song Dynasty

Koichi Matsumoto, Liu Xiongfeng   

  • Online:2020-12-10 Published:2021-08-19
  • About author:Koichi Matsumoto is a professor in the Department of Information media in the Library of Tsukuba University in Japan. He is mainly engaged in the research of Daoism and folk religion in Song Dynasty and folk religion in Taiwan.Liu Xiongfeng is professor and director of the Center for Religious Translation and Studies at the Sichuan Academy of Social Sciences. His research interests include religion and philosophy.

摘要: 宋代是中国歷史的重要峙代 ,在社會、經濟、文化等方面發生轉型。宋代道教亦以對傳統的發揚和新傳統的誕生而載入史冊。作為本土宗教的道教,在理論和實踐層面都呈現出不同尋常的氣象。從《道藏》的編集,到多部儀禮書的問世,再到北方全真道教的建立和南方天師道之權威的確立,以及金丹道南宗的出現,皆彰顯了道教新傳統。道教雷法的登場,則成為這一系列現象中的劃時代事件,對道教此後的發展產生了重大而深遠的影響。

关键词: 宋代, 雷法, 宋徽宗, 林靈素

Abstract: As an important era in Chinese history, Song Dynasty was endowed with the characteristics of social, economic and cultural transformation. Daoism in this period was also recorded in history as the development of ancient traditions and the birth of new traditions. Daoism, as a local religion, has shown unusual momentum both in theory and in practice. From the compilation of Daozang under the dynastic policy, to the advent of many ritual books, to the establishment of Quanzhen Daoism(全真道) in the North and the establishment of the authority of Zhengyi Daoism(正一道) in the South, and the emergence of Southern Lineage(南宗), all demonstrate the new tradition of Daoism. The appearance of Thunder Rites (Lei Fa) in Daoism became an epoch-making event in this series of phenomena, which had a significant and far-reaching influence on the development of Daoism thereafter.

Key words: The Song Dynasty, Thunder Rites (Lei Fa), Emperor Huizong of Song (宋徽宗), Lin Lingsu(林靈素)