ISSN 1728-7642

道学研究 ›› 2020, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (2): 90-99.

• 地部:日本道教研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2020-12-10 发布日期:2021-08-19
  • 通讯作者: **詹至瑩,韓國大真大學設計系視覺傳達設計專業硕士研究生。研究方向:設計學與傳統文化。通訊地址:韓國京畿道抱川市,大真大學設計學院設計學專業。電子郵箱: ywzhang.zhi.ying@163.com。
  • 基金资助:

Analysis on the Text and Illustration Art of Ruxian Collected in Nihon Dokan

Zhan Zhiying   

  • Online:2020-12-10 Published:2021-08-19
  • About author:Zhan Zhiying, Department of Design, Graduate School, Daegin of University of Korea; Research directions: Visual Communication Design and Tradition Culture; Address: Department of Design, Graduate School, Daegin of University, Pocheon city, Gyeonggi Province, Republic of Korea; Email: ywzhang.zhi.ying@163.com

摘要: 日本道觀收藏的《儒仙》,是配畫的珍本文獻。此書沒有刊刻年代,但行文中標識了片假名,因此刊刻於日本是可以肯定的。全書收有36位神仙人物的小傳、頌詩及配畫,起於伏羲氏,而終於王陽明。筆者據此推測,在中國民間可能早有一個類似於《儒仙》的雛形本或刻本,流傳於日本之後,經過日本學者或者通道門徒重編、整飾,而成今本的《儒仙》。在篇章結構上,《儒仙》的基本特色可以概括為四句話:以文領詩,以詩帶文,詩為文魂,文為詩魄。而其配畫藝術,作者通過原始點染法、典型寫照法、筆力貫通法,寄話了道學的深邃思想情趣。

关键词: 儒仙, 配畫藝術, 思想情趣

Abstract: Ruxian(《儒仙》) collected by Nihon Dokan is a rare document with paintings. The book does not have the date of publication, but katakana is marked in the text, so it is certain that it was published in Japan. The book contains biographies, poems and accompanying paintings of 36 immortals, beginning with the Fuxi (伏羲氏)and ending with Wang Yangming(王陽明). Based on this, the author speculates that there may have been a prototype or block copy similar to Ruxian in the Chinese folks. After being spread in Japan, it was re-edited and decorated by Japanese scholars or channel disciples to become the current version of Ruxian. In terms of chapter structure, the basic characteristics of Ruxian can be summarized in four sentences: leading poetry with literary, carrying essay with poem, poem as literary soul, literary as poem. As for the art of matching paintings, the author embodies the profound ideological interest of Daoism through the methods of primitive pointing, typical illumination, and consistent brushwork.

Key words: Ruxian, Illustration art, Thought and taste