ISSN 1728-7642

道学研究 ›› 2022, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (1): 98-111.

• 地部:道教史研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2022-06-10 发布日期:2022-11-10
  • 作者简介:**徐克,老子道學文化研究會理事,雲南大學歷史系博士生,研究方向:地方道教。通訊地址:雲南省五華區翠湖北路2號雲南大學(東陸校區),郵編: 650091;電子郵箱:xuke2017@hotmail.com。
  • 基金资助:
    *曾於2018年9月28日,獲“首届中國宗教學青年論壇”論文評比三等獎,投稿時有所修改; 另,本文所用“道耶對話”一詞,是在儒耶對話、佛耶對話的層次上提出的,意在突出這一問題的重要性以引起學界注意,非指明末清初道教與基督宗教之間的交涉,已經達到理論層次上的“對話”。

The Dialogue between Daoism and Catholicism in the Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasty and Its Significance

Xu Ke   

  • Online:2022-06-10 Published:2022-11-10
  • About author:Xu Ke, Director, Laozi Daoist Culture Research Association; Ph. D. Candidate, Yunnan University, Department of History; Research Directions: Local Daoism; Address: Y unnan University (Donglu Campus), No. 2 Hubei Road, Wuhua District, YunnanProvince; Postcode: 650091; Email: xuke2017@hotmail.com.

摘要: 明清天主教傳教士來華,是中西兩大文化之間的碰撞與匯通。道耶之間的對話,關涉道教在中西文化相遇時扮演的角色,以及“道教之真精神”在明清時期的作用等問題。以耶穌會為主體的天主教傳教士,對道教的不重視和貶斥,從一個側面反映著明清道教的情況。又以道教對天主教在華傳教,沒有明確的態度和反應可知,“道教之真精神”並沒有對天主教發揮作用,明清時期道教的不振,或與此有關。研究明末清初道耶之間的對話,對於雙方均具有歷史和現實的雙重意義。

关键词: 明末清初, 道教, 天主教, 對話

Abstract: The coming of Catholic missionaries to China in the Ming and Qing Dynasties was a collision and communication between the Chinese and Western cultures. The dialogue between Daoism and Catholicism related to the role of Daoism in the encounter of Chinese and Western cultures, as well as the role of“the true spirit of Daoism”in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The Catholic missionaries with the Jesuits as the main body, did not attach importance to and despise Daoism, refecting the situation of Daoism in the Ming and Qing Dynasties from one side. In addition, according to Daoisms lack of a clear attitude and response to Catholic missions in China, the“ true spirit of Daoismn” did not have an effect on Catholicism, and the malaise of Daoism in the Ming and Qing dynastics may have something to do with it. The study of the dialogue between Daoism and Catholicism in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties is of great historical and realistic significance to both sides.

Key words: Late Ming and Early Qing, Daoism, Catholicism, Dialogue