ISSN 1728-7642

道学研究 ›› 2022, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (1): 112-124.

• 地部:道教與民俗 • 上一篇    下一篇


吳艷秋, 張軍龍**   

  • 出版日期:2022-06-10 发布日期:2022-11-10
  • 作者简介:**吳豔秋,現為四川大學道教與宗教文化研究所博士研究生,研究方向:中國道教。通訊地址:四川省成都市武侯區一環路南-段24號四川大學文科樓,郵編: 610064;電子郵箱: 1305263005@qq.com.張軍龍,現為四川大學道教與宗教文化研究所博士研究生,研究方向:中國道教和民间宗教。通訊地址:四川省成都市武侯區一環路南一段24號四川大學文科樓,郵編: 610064; 電子郵箱: fjhqgg2010@163.com。
  • 基金资助:
    *國家“十三五”規劃文化重大工程“中華續道藏”(批準號:中央統戰部統辦函[2018]347號)、國家社科基金項目“川主信仰的文本、儀式及口述史研究”(項目 號: 18BZJ046) 階段性研究成果。

Research on the Continuation and Changes of Sichuan Lord Belief in Yibin, Sichuan Since the Republic of China Era

Wu Yanqiu, Zhang Junlong   

  • Online:2022-06-10 Published:2022-11-10
  • About author:Wu Y anqiu, Ph.D. Candidate, Sichuan University, Institute of Taoism and Religious Culture; Research Directions: Chinese Daoism; Address: Institute of Taoism and Religious Culture, Sichuan University, No. 24 South Section 1, Yihuan Road, Chengdu, Sichuan, China; Postcode: 610064; Email: 1305263005@qq.com. Zhang Junlong, Ph.D. Candidate, Sichuan University, Institute of Taoism and Religious Culture; Research Directions: Chinese Daoism; Address: Institute of Taoism and Religious Culture, Sichuan University, No. 24 South Section 1, Yihuan Road, Chengdu, Sichuan, China; Postcode:610064; Email: fjhqgg2010@1 63.com.

摘要: 川主信仰是以巴蜀為中心,向外輻射傳播的一種地方信仰。學界對川主的研究,多聚焦於歷史源流和社會文化等宏觀層面,川主廟個案的微觀層尚付闕如。研究表明,始建於明成化年間的四川宜賓翠屏區川主廟之所以能延續至今,歸功於川主職能的多樣性和全真派的守護。川主廟會的興衰則折射出社會和經濟因素的變遷。通過該個案研究可知,地方信仰的生存延續與神靈職能的多樣性以及適應社會環境的靈活性等基本原則相關。

关键词: 宜賓翠屏區, 川主廟, 延續, 變遷

Abstract: Sichuan Lord belief is a kind of local belief which spreads outward with Ba Shu as the center. The academic research on Sichuan Lord mainly focused on the great aspects such as the origin of history and social culture, and the microcosm of the case of Sichuan Lord has yet to be paid. The study had shown that the reason why the Sichuan Lord in the Cuiping district of Sichuan, which was founded in the Chenghua period of the Ming Dynasty, can continue to this day is due to the multi- functional nature of the Sichuan Lord and the protection of the Quanzhen school of Daoism. The decline of the Sichuan Lord temple fair reflects the impact of social and economic factors. Through this case study, it can be seen that the survival of local beliefs is related to the basic principles such as the versatility of god's abilities and the ability to respond to the social environment.

Key words: Yibin Cuiping district, Sichuan Lord temple, Continuation, Change