ISSN 1728-7642

道学研究 ›› 2022, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (1): 140-160.

• 人部:道教與醫學 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2022-06-10 发布日期:2022-11-10
  • 作者简介:**洪閩輝,廈門大學碩士畢業,現為廈門大學心理諮詢與教育中心兼職心理諮詢師,有光山谷(廈門)心理諮詢有限公司創辦人,研究方向:道家哲學與應用心理學。通訊地址:福建省廈門市思明區鷺江道18號B136單元,郵編: 361001; 電子郵箱: hmhygsg@163.com。
  • 基金资助:

Preliminary Clinical Practice of Daoist Cognitive Therapy

Hong Minhui   

  • Online:2022-06-10 Published:2022-11-10
  • About author:Hong Minhui, Master, Part- time Psychological Consultant, Xiaman University, Founder of Light Valley (Xiamen) Psychological Counseling Co, Ltd; Research Directions: Daoist Philosophy, Applied Psychology; Address: Room B136, No.18 Lujiang Road, Siming District, Xiamen, Fujian, China, Postcode: 361001; Email: hmhygsg@163.com.

摘要: 道家認知療法創立於上世紀90年代,是國內少數具有代表性的本土心理療法之一。多年來的臨狀應用及研究發現道家認知療法符合我國國民的思維習慣和心理特點,相比其他直接運用西方心理學理論的療法更加適合中國人,在心理障礙,如焦慮障礙、抑鬱障礙等和一些心身疾病以及各類一般人群的心理困擾疏導中都具一定的效果。從道家認知療法在心理諮詢中的運用實踐出發,研究總結其當前臨狀應用的現狀,探索更為具體化的心理諮詢操作技術,並從三位來訪者心理諮詢案例中,去實踐、檢驗、探索道家認知療法的精髓,以期在其作用機制、干預範圍及技術的規範性和可操作性方面能有更多的認識和探索,從而為現代心理諮詢與傳統文化地融合繼續探路。文中的“道家”是廣義的,包括道家和道教。

关键词: 道家認知療法, 心理諮詢, 傳統文化

Abstract: Founded in the 1990s, Daoist cognitive therapy is one of the few representative local psychotherapies in China. Over the years of clinical application and research, it has been found that Daoist cognitive therapy is in line with the thinking and psychological characteristics of Chinese people, and are more suitable for Chinese people than other methods that directly apply western psychological theory. It has certain effect in the counseling of psychological disorders, such as anxiety disorders, depression disorders, and some psychosomatic diseases, as well as psychological distress of all kinds of general people. Starting from the application practice of Daoist cognitive therapy in psychological counseling, this paper studies and summarizes the current situation of its clinical application, explores more specific psychological counseling operation technology, and practices, tests and explores the essence of Daoist cognitive therapy from the psychological counseling cases of three visitors, in order to have more understanding and exploration in its action mechanism, intervention scope and technical standardization and operability, So as to continue to explore the way for the integration of modern psychological counseling and traditional culture.“Daoism ”in this article is generalized.

Key words: Daoist cognitive therapy, Psychological counseling, Traditional culture