ISSN 1728-7642

道学研究 ›› 2020, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (2): 46-58.

• 天部:道教思想研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2020-12-10 发布日期:2021-08-19
  • 通讯作者: **林鑾生,寧德師範學院講師,哲學博士,研究方向:易學與道家道教文化。通訊地址:福建省寧德市東僑經濟開發區海天水岸陽光9棟,郵編: 361005,電子郵箱: 776056274@qq.com。
  • 基金资助:
    *本文系福建省社科基金項目“竈王經文獻整理及其思想研究”(批準號: FJ2018X015) 、寧德師範學院引進人才項目“閩東畲族竈神信仰研究”(批準號: 2017Y02) 專題研究成果

Inquiry on the Nature Thought in the Kitchen God Classics

Lin Luansheng   

  • Online:2020-12-10 Published:2021-08-19
  • About author:Lin Luansheng, PhD, Ning De Normal University, Department of Chinese Language and Literature; Research Directions: Yi learning and Daoist Culture; Address: Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Ning De Normal University, No. 1, Daxue Road, Ningde, Fujian, China; Postcode: 352100; Email: 776056274@qq.com.

摘要: 竈王經作為明清相對流行的勸善書,對人的言行舉止提出了較為細致的要求。其中很重要的一部分內容便是從敬天、尊祖、和親、惜物、洗心等五個方面論述了明本順性思想,以期人們能夠通過具體的行為要求,提异自我德行修養,返回本心,實現身心平衡,從而更好地承擔自我的社會角色,使社會進入更加規範有序的良性循環之中。

关键词: 明本順性, 竈王經, 道德秩序

Abstract: As a popular book of exhortation in Ming and Qing Dynasties, The Kitchen God Classics (Zaowang jing 竈王經) set forth more detailed requirements for people's words and behaviors. A very important part of the content is to discuss the idea of returning nature from five aspects: respecting the heavens, respecting the ancestors, harmony with family, cherishing things, and cleaning the heart, in the hope that people can improve their self-cultivation through specific behavior requirements and return to their original minds. To achieve physical and mental balance, so as to better assume the social role of oneself, so that society enters a more standardized and orderly virtuous circle.

Key words: Return to nature, Zaowang jing, Moral order