ISSN 1728-7642

道学研究 ›› 2021, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (1): 110-125.

• 地部:道教思想研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2021-06-10 发布日期:2021-08-23
  • 通讯作者: ** 羅禧, 四川大學道教與宗教文化研究所2019級博士生,貴州財經大學圖書館館員;研究方向為道教文獻、區域道教史。通訊地址:成都市一環路南一段24號四川大學文科樓道教與宗教文化研究所,郵編:610064;電子信箱: 414628491@qq.com。
  • 基金资助:
    本文係國家“十三五”規劃文化大工程《中華續道藏》(批準號: 中央統戰部“統辦函”[2018] 第576號)專題研究成果。

“Fusion” and “Exclusion” of Daoism to Zipingshu——Perspective on Ziwei doushu and Rumen chongli zhezhong kanyu wanxiao lu in Daoist Cannon

Luo Xi   

  • Online:2021-06-10 Published:2021-08-23
  • About author:Luo Xi, PhD,Sichuan University,Institute of Taoism and Religions;Research Directions: Daoist Literature, Regional Daoist History; Address: Institute of Taoism and Religions, Sichuan University, No. 24, South Section 1, Yihuan Road, Wuhou District, Chengdu, Sichuan, China; Postcode: 610064; Email: 414628491@qq.com.

摘要: 道教與術數關係密切,在道經中有不少術數文獻,但這並不代表道教對術數的态度是“來者不拒”。如明《道藏》中無子平術的相關著作,但在《紫微斗數》《儒門崇理折衷堪輿完孝錄》中有子平術的相關內容。同時,道門內外人士在業編各類道書合集時幾乎都未將子平術相關文獻收入其中。由此可看出道教在對待子平術時是持一個“融攝”與“排斥”的矛盾態度。本文指出這種矛盾態度是由道教自身的宗教本質及子平術“無神論”的特質所決定的,並依據本文觀點對《增注新修道藏目錄》收錄《新雕注疏珞環子三命消息賦》的合理性進行簡要討論。

关键词: 道教, 術數, 子平, 八字

Abstract: Daoism has a close relationship with Shushu(術數), and there are many Shushu literatures in Daoism, but this does not mean that Daoism is open to Shushu. The Zipingshu is not seen in the Daoist Cannon of Ming dynasty, but in Ziwei doushu(紫微斗數)and Rumen chongli zhezhong kanyu wanxiaolu(儒門崇理折衷堪輿完孝錄). Besides, none of the people from either Daoism or not edited Zipingshu in Daoist collections, which reflects Daoist attitude of "fusion" and "exclusion" to Zipingshu. This article points out that this contradictory attitude is determined by the religious nature of Daoism and Zipingshu’s “atheism” characteristics, and also discuss the rationality of Zengzhu xinxiu daozang mulu(增注新修道藏目錄)contains the Xindiao zhushu luolunzi sanming xiaoxifu(新雕注疏珞琭子三命消息賦)

Key words: Daoism, Shushu(術數), Ziping, Bazi(八字)