ISSN 1728-7642

道学研究 ›› 2021, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (1): 126-137.

• 人部:道教與社會 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2021-06-10 发布日期:2021-08-23
  • 通讯作者: * 張雷,四川大學中國哲學2018級博士研究生。通訊地址:四川省成都市武侯區科華北路四川大學望江校區道教與宗教文化研究所,郵編: 610064; 電子信箱: 785592051@qq.com。

Recognition of the Relationship Between Daoism and Folk Beliefs and Its Social Functions

Zhang Lei   

  • Online:2021-06-10 Published:2021-08-23
  • About author:Zhang Lei, PhD, Sichuan University, Institute of Taoism and Religious Culture; Research Directions: Chinese philosophy; Address: Institute of Taoism and Religious Culture, Sichuan University, No. 24 South Section 1, Yihuan Road, Chengdu, Sichuan, China; Postcode: 610064; Postcode: 610064; Email: 785592051@qq.com.

摘要: 道教與民間信仰的交融,作為一種自然形成的文化生態,是中華文化多元融合的體現,不僅承載著中華民族生生不息的精神動力,更為維護社會穩定起著重要作用。但是長期以來,由於受到學科屬性、研究方法、歷史原因等諸多因素的影響,我國道教與民間信仰研究一直處於相對分離的狀態,特別是對於二者關傑及二者社會功能的探討也一直未有確論。只有把道教與民間信仰當作中國本土宗教整體來看待,不斷突破二者在研究路上長期分離的困境,從整體上把握道教和民間信仰在歷史和現實中的交融狀態,才能準確理解中國本土宗教文化的發展歷程,從而更好地發揮道教與民間信仰在社會治理中的積極作用。

关键词: 道教, 民間信仰, 傳統文化, 社會治理

Abstract: The integration of Daoism and folk beliefs, as a cultural ecology formed naturally, is the embodiment of the pluralistic integration of Chinese culture. It not only carries the spiritual power of the China, but also plays an important role in maintaining social stability. However, for a long time, influenced by many factors, such as subject attribute, research methods, historical reasons, etc., the research of Daoism and folk belief in China has been in separate fields, especially in the discussion of their relationship and social function. Only by combining Daoism and folk belief as local religions in China, breaking through the dilemma of long-term separation of the two in research methods, and grasping the blending state of Daoism and folk belief in history and reality as a whole, can the development process of Chinese local religious culture be well understood, to make Daoism and folk belief play the positive role in social governance.

Key words: Daoism, Folk belief, Traditional culture, Social governance