ISSN 1728-7642

道学研究 ›› 2022, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (1): 14-34.

• 天部:道門人物研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


蔣門馬, 祁至峰*   

  • 出版日期:2022-06-10 发布日期:2022-11-10
  • 作者简介:*蔣門馬,江蘇省茅山書院副院長,浙江道教學院特聘教授,老子道學文化研究會理事,中華傳統道文化數字圖書館“白雲深處人家”網站創辦人。著有《莊子量校考訂》(巴蜀書社2019年)。研究方向,老莊道文化及古籍整理校勘。通訊地址,江蘇省常州市金壇區西暘茅山乾元觀。郵編,213255。電子郵箱,nirvanajmm104722@163.com。祁至峰,散居道士,龍門派第二十一代傳人。

Reflections on Tao Hongjing’s Abandonment of Daoism for Buddhism

Jiang Menma, Qi Zhifeng   

  • Online:2022-06-10 Published:2022-11-10
  • About author:Jiang Menma, Vice Dcan, Maoshan Academy of Classical Lcarning; Visiting Professor, Zhejiang Daoist Academy; Founder, the Daoist Digital Library: www.homeinmists.com; Research Directions: Laozi, Zhuangzi, Daoism. Qi Zhifeng, Daoist Disciple, the 21* Generation of Daoist Longmen School.

摘要: 正史野史雜記等有關於陶弘景受戒事佛的記載,可從陶弘景受佛戒事、受佛戒緣由、事佛情況三個方面置疑。古代史書《梁書》《南史》,唐釋法琳《辨正論》、唐釋道宣《廣弘明集》、宋釋志磐《佛祖統紀》等佛教書籍,北宋林希《林氏野史》,當代出土陶弘景墓博,以及《桓真人异仙記》等,關於陶弘景受戒事佛的記載,參照陶弘景本人的詩文碑記、陶弘景的侄子陶翊《華陽隱居先生本起錄》、陶弘景時人梁邵陵王蕭綸《梁解真中散大夫貞白先生陶隱居碑銘》、唐賈嵩《華陽陶隱居內傳》、北宋黃庭堅《跋王荊公書陶隱居墓中文》、元劉大彬《茅山志》等材料作為佐證,可說明陶弘景不信佛教,未受戒事佛,亦未佛道雙修。

关键词: 陶弘景, 禮塔受戒, 勝力菩薩, 佛道雙修

Abstract: This article questions the authenticity of the historical records of Tao Hongjing' s Abandonment of Daoism for Buddhism from three aspects: Tao Hongjing's receiving Buddha's precepts, the reasons for him receiving Buddhism, and his Buddhist practice. By combing the records of Tao Hongjing in the current texts and unearthed documents, this paper holds that Tao Hongjing does not believe in Buddhism, receive precepts to serve Buddha, nor practice Buddhism and Daoism together.

Key words: Tao Hongjing, Abandonment of Daoism for Buddhism, Shengli Bodhisattva, Cultivation of Buddhism and Daoism