ISSN 1728-7642

道学研究 ›› 2022, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (1): 35-54.

• 天部:道門人物研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2022-06-10 发布日期:2022-11-10
  • 作者简介:**葉文學,哲學博士,副教授,西昌學院彝族文化研究中心,研究方向:道教史、區域道教與少數民族宗教。通訊地址:四川省涼山彝族自治州西昌市海濱中路24號彝族文化研究中心,郵編: 615000; 電子郵箱:rommie@163.com。
  • 基金资助:

Liu Yuanran and Shao Yizheng’s Reconstruct of Jing Ming Daoist Sect in Early Ming Dynasty

Ye Wenxue   

  • Online:2022-06-10 Published:2022-11-10
  • About author:Ye Wenxue, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Xichang University, Yi Ethnic Center; Research Directions: History of Daoism, Regional Daoism, Ethnic Religions; Address: Yi Ethnic Study Center, Xichang University, No. 24 Central Haibin Road, Xichang, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan, China; Postcode: 615000. Email: rommie@1 63.com.

摘要: 淨明道經過宋元時期的繁盛,至元末明初,隨著淨明祖庭西山萬壽官陷入沉寂, 淨明道亦曾一度“久湮不行”, 迄至明代中後期方見復興跡象。然而,自明初開始,趙宜真、劉淵然、邵以正一系道派以師承多方、法脈多元的宗派特色活躍於明初政治舞壼並頗受皇室恩寵,使其道派獲得了極佳的發展契機,最終使淨明道實現了“中興”。燼管淨明“中興”的合法性尚存爭議,但劉邵一系在道派重構方面所作的努力不僅使淨明道於明初獲得了長足發展,並為淨明道在明代中後期的興盛奠定了堅實基礎。

关键词: 趙宜真, 劉淵然, 邵以正, 道統重構, 淨明道

Abstract: Through the prosperity of the Song and Yuan dynasties, to the end of the Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, the Xishan W anshou Palace fell silent, and Jingming Sect of Daoism (淨明道) declined for a time until the middle and later period of the Ming Dynasty. However, since the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, with the sectarian characteristics of inheriting multi-schools of Daoism and legal pluralism, the Daoist school represented by Zhao Yizhen (趙宜真) , Liu Yuanran (劉淵然) and Shao Yizheng (邵以正) received the favor of the royal family, which has led to the excellent development of that and the revival of Jingming Daoist Sect. The legitimacy of the revival of Jingming Daoist Sect is still controversial though, the efforts made by Liu Yuanran and Shao Yizheng in the restructuring of Daoism not only led to the trapid development of Jingming Daoist Sect in the early Ming Dynasty, but also laid a solid foundation for its prosperity in the middle and later period of the Ming Dynasty.

Key words: Zhao Yizhen (趙宜真), Liu Yuanran (劉淵然), Shao Yizheng (邵以正), restructuring of Daoist sect, Jingming Sect (淨明道)