ISSN 1728-7642

道学研究 ›› 2022, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (1): 55-66.

• 天部:老子研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2022-06-10 发布日期:2022-11-10
  • 作者简介:* 馬文增,北京市社會科學院哲學研究所助理研究員,研究方向:道家、儒家思想及出土文獻。通訊地址:北京市北四環中路33號北京市社科院哲學研究所;郵編: 100101; 電子郵箱: wenzeng71@126.com.

Analysis on the Chapter of“Sanjue sanqi”in Laozi——And on the Research Methods of Laozi Silk Book I

Ma Wenzeng   

  • Online:2022-06-10 Published:2022-11-10
  • About author:Ma Wenzeng, LLM, Assistant Researcher; Beijing Academy of social Sciences, Institute of Philosophy; Research Directions: Confucianism, Daoism, Unearthed Documents; Address: Institute of Philosophy, Beijing Academy of Social Sciences, Notrth Sihuan Zhong Road, Beijing, China; Postcode: 100101; Email: wenzeng71@126.com.

摘要: 對郭店簡本、帛書《老子》甲本“三絕三棄”章部分文字重新釋讀,做注譯,認為:“三絕三棄”章內容與清華簡《保訓》、逸周書《文傳》《文儆》篇有直接聯擊;老子在此章中引用文王對武王的訓示,以君主自我約束乃致國泰民安為例而言如何修心。通過字句、內涵對比,研究了簡本、帛書本、北大漢簡本、王弼本《老子》三絕三棄”章之間的關系,認為:郭店簡本《老子》是帛書《老子》甲本的底稿;帛書《老子》甲本是《老子》真本,是帛書《老子》乙本、北大漢簡本、嚴遵本、河上公本、通行本等所有後出版本的共同“祖本”。對帛書.《老子》甲本的研究應注重道理、史實、訓詁與文法等因素,尤其應充分利用新出土文獻如郭店簡、上博簡、清華簡,以獲得對道家思想、概念和知識體孫的新認識。

关键词: 帛書《老子》, 絕仁棄義, 郭店簡, 清華簡, 道家

Abstract: This paper re interprets and interprets“sanjue sanqi” (三絕三棄) through two versions of Laozi: the Ancient Chu Literatures Carved on Bamboo Slips Excavated at Guodian and the Silk Manuscript, and holds that the content of chapter‘sanjue sanqi”is directly related to chapter‘Baoxun” (《保訓》) in Tsinghua Bamboo Slips of the Watring States Petiod and “Wenzhuan” (《文傳》),“Wenxun” (《文儆》) in Yizhoushu (《逸周書》) . In this chapter, Lao Zi quotes King Wen's instructions to King Wu, taking the self-restraint of the monarch as an example to explain how to cultivate the mind. Through the comparison of words and meanings, this paper studies the relationship between the chapters of Laozi in the versions of Ancient Chu Literatures Carved on Bamboo Slips Excavated at Guodian, Silk Manuscript, the Han Dynasty Bamboo Slips of Peking University and Wang Bi (王弼) , and holds that the Ancient Chu Literatures Carved on Bamboo Slips Excavated at Guodian is the manuscript of Silk Manuscript Laozi, which is the origin of all later versions. The study of the Silk Manuscript Laozi should focus on the factors such as reason, historical facts, exegesis and grammar, especially make full use of newly unearthed documents, so as to gain a new understanding of Daoist thought, concept and knowledge system.

Key words: Silk Manuscript Laozi (帛書老子), Jueren qiyi (絕仁棄義), Ancient Chu Literatures Carved on Bamboo Slips Excavated at Guodian郭店簡, Tsinghua Bamboo Slips of the Warring States Period (清華簡), Daoism